• Contact No.: +91 8477011115

Welcome to Dayanand Bal Mandir Sr. Sec. School

Dear Parents

We sincerely appreciate your interest in the Dayanand Bal Mandir Sr. Sec. School.

Dayanand Bal Mandir Sr. Sec. School is a private, co-educational day-school located in the heart of the diplomatic enclave in Agra. At Dayanand Bal Mandir Sr. Sec. School, we value and nurture our culturally diverse international school community. We encourage collaborative partnerships among our parents, teachers, students, and staff to maintain and strengthen the welcoming and caring environment for which Dayanand Bal Mandir Sr. Sec. School is known.

The curriculum at Dayanand Bal Mandir Sr. Sec. School follows a preparatory program similar to that of the best independent schools in India. We ensure that our students receive a quality of education through the use of best practices in curriculum, assessment, instruction and professional development. Our distinguished faculty is comprised of experienced teachers.

As you begin the application process, please take advantage of all of the helpful information on our website. The Admissions team is available to answer your questions via email, via phone or in person. Your requests for an appointment to visit with us and to tour the campus are welcomed.

We look forward to meeting you, helping you choose the right school for your children, and easing your transition.

Warmest regards,

Procedure of Admision

The admission procedure for every academic year commences in the final week of January of the preceding year.

Pre-Admission Procedures

The applicant can purchase the Prospectus from the School’s website or from the Accounts Department of the school from Monday–Saturday, between 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. In case you wish to meet the Admission Counsellor, you may visit the school between 8:30am to 2:00pm.
A pre-arranged appointment needs to be taken for a Campus visit.
The applicant would be required to submit the Admission Form to the Admission’s Department with the set of documents mentioned in point no.4.Once the documents are received, an orientation meeting will be held between the parent and the Head- Pre-Primary, for which a date and time will be allotted. The following day Draw-of-lots are conducted.
Strict action will be taken against students who are found behaving inappropriately on the premises.

Note: - All orientations, interactions and written tests will be conducted on weekdays only.
Documents to be submitted with the Admission Form:-
Facility Opted form.
Medical Form.
Transport Form.
Original plus one copy of the students Birth Certificate (The original will be returned immediately after verification).
Student’s Aadhar card copy.
Parent’s Aadhar Card copy.
School Leaving Certificate from the school last attended.
Progress Report of the child indicating his/her academic performance.

Post-admission Procedures
Once Admission is granted you may proceed to deposit the Fees and this process will be follow.
School uniform and books can be bought from the uniform stores and the book stores.
An Orientation session will be held on the 1st day of the new session for Parents and Students.
New Scholars will be allotted the section on the day of joining. The time table for your ward will be handed over by the teacher on the same day.